Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We Want To Protect You

The Food and Drug Administration(FDA) is an American government agency responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, products that emit radiation, and tobacco products.............. so they say.

  • Mobile (cell) phones do not cause tumors they cause happiness, unless texting while driving terms and conditions may apply.
  • Seafood from the Gulf of Mexico may be tainted in colour, taste and odour but the public should not worry.
  • Most Sunscreens have been found to accelerate cancer and the SPF is a total lie. The FDA see this as a positive thing as who has time these days to wait on getting cancer?
  • Public drinking water has an acceptable amount of perchlorate if you are worried just add some lead for taste.
More about the FDA here

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Old Knudsen Is Still On The Line

Me and Vince Vaughn were hanging out talkin about our time in prison when he mentioned that Blogger is doing with blogs what the Russians are doing with the Chechens, making them disappear . From what I can see MJ the Queen of filth has been "removed" and so I sit and wait for mine to go too.

I had hoped to carry on when my mood and living situation was better but who knows? My blog is kinda full up so I hope they just hide it from everyone else except me like they did with my last blog that someone flagged, Gog forbid you should show pictures of man's inhumanity towards man, " Oh no a terrible atrocity lets hide our eyes and complain rather than learn from it".
Fucking cunts!!!! What will be left? oh yeah tame slightly amusing blogs and mummy blogs with fawning commenters.

Old Knudsen does despise any club that will have him as a member that is true.
Old Knudsen will never be a mainstream success ............... who fucking cares?
Old Knudsen knows he is better than the rest but can't be arsed right now.
Old Knudsen knows he scares the shit out of the mainstream people by not being predictable.

Its just a matter of time before they clamp doon on everything free and fill it full of ads........ have you installed Ad block plus yet? Old Knudsen never sees any ads. Then the Domains that are paid for will be tighter regulated no one is safe because you always have to go through someone else.

Being fucking hilarious for free can seem a little pointless after a few years but when my opinions build up they need to go somewhere. Fuck it would be sad if I wasn't removed where would my Messiah complex be then?

Have I mentioned lately that I AM the way?

Its just a matter of time before I return to full time blogging but will there be a blog or a place to return?

Ach 15 people were killed in Baghdad, ethnic cleansing in Kyrgyzstan and a 'shoot to kill' policy , BP has painted the sea black which is so 1980's, Catherine Zeta Hoorbag got a CBE and Old Knudsen got nothing yet again and Rob Green fumbled with his ball in the World Cup letting the Yanks tie. Bigger problems than cunty Blogger but it always starts small like this.

Times are achanging, I'm hoping for a zombie apocalypse meself. You can cut me doon Blogger/Google but I shall only grow stronger.
