Thursday, January 13, 2011

Who is your girl crush?

j    I'm curious. I have been open about having girl crushes for a long time. And as years went by I found out that there was nothing wrong with it. And that I was not alone. Not in the least.

     But now I'm writing (well, typing!) this post looking for others like me. Asking WHO is your girl crush of the moment. Or of the month. Or the year. Or years!

     Who do you follow unconditionally because you think she is fabulous? Her sense of style. Or how she carries herself. Or how relatable she is. Maybe you would love to be able to spend a day with her. Or she is someone you know that is a part of your life, however small, and that you admire.

     Or maybe she is just GORGEOUS!

     I want to know who you crush on and why. Comments? 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed

Love this mash-up!

Chloe Sevigny dating Pauly D?

   Is she dating Pauly D? Hopefully they do better than she did with Vincent Gallo. She is 36 and stays in great shape. I feel she is doing her best work of her career in "Big Love". Cannot say many positives about her fashion sense but I admire her personal and career daring.

Yes, I admit I'm selling out for the men that read this blog too.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Nicki Minaj killing it on Ellen

So talented. This woman in her colorful wigs is fierce. Here is her cameo on Kanye West's "Monster" that spans an entire 31 bars!