Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Girl Crush of the Week: Sarah Shahi

Sarah Shahi is one of the most under appreciated actresses of the last few years. Can handle drama, action and romance. It's possible that at times in Hollywood being TOO pretty can hinder some opportunities. Don't get it twisted, it still opens plenty of doors but can typecast some actresses.

Sarah with Zooey Deschanel = Too much adorableness for one picture! :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Elle Fanning is a Fashionista with Style

I do not know who helps her choose her clothes that well. She travels with her grandma while her sister Dakota travels with her mom. Perhaps Grandma does a better job?

Elle was asked if she had a ‘girl crush’ and Elle responded of the former MTV host and model. “(I have) a huge one on Alexa Chung - her fashion, everything”

Adele without photoshop!

Other magazines and publication should learn from this. You DO NOT have to photoshop celebrities or models to look thinner than they are! This is how it is done. Enough said.

Heidi Montag Before And After Pictures Collection : You Didn't Got Ever

Alyssa Campanella Miss USA 2011 Queen

Miss USA 2011 Winner & Contestants Pictures Collection

Alyssa Campanella is the Miss USA 2011... Take A look of her sexy poses..... ha ha .. Don't miss to watch also Miss USA Contestants video and pictures.

Miss USA 2011 : Alyssa Campanella Video

Miss USA 2011 : Alyssa Campanella Sexy Pictures