Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Don't Say The Zed Word

Does the world scare you? well it should cos its run by people with power over others that don't mind sacrificing them for their own agendas.

Remember in the later stages of WWII Hitler used Nazi zombies? well of course you don't you are too young plus its real history so you'll no be seeing it on the history channel. A zombie is scary a nazi zombie even worse but a nazi zombie with latent homosexual desires they repress and express as anger are far far worse................. just sayin.

It may all come true yet again. The US government are testing on pigs a drug that will stop the heart of a wounded soldier but still give oxygen and blood to the brain, a sort of hibernation until they can get medical treatment as the loss of blood is a big problem and if the heart ain't pumping the soldier ain't bleedin.

Soon yet again Old Knudsen may be called into service to either rid the Yanks of zombie pigs or zombie soldiers.

Zombie soldiers with swine flu....................................

Considering the US can't provide its people with health care and the few that get it get incompetent health care its funny they what they are willing to do to the soldiers in order to save them. Hey the guy maybe a vegetable but hes alive! how about bringing the troops home? What good are they doing over there? Its like ants you can keep them at bay for a while but more will turn up and you'll never win.

World leaders promise to pull out as much as Old Knudsen does but they should remember that going isn't defeat 'discretion is the better part of valour' it makes sense. Sure the Sand savages will be building up their strength and making plans well those cuntries that pull out can be doing the same instead of wasting resources they can be building walls and micro chipping immigrants or those that talk foreign like.

Old Knudsen is too old and tired to be solving zombie problems thats a young man's job but of course he'll do it so sleep well in yer beds.