Friday, January 1, 2010

David Tennant Says To Doctor Who One Of His Emotional Farewell

After a long waiting .. five years as "The Doctor, David Tennant has taken its final bow last night and welcomed the popular series by Matt Smith.

Doctor Tennant is seen in the eleventh incarnation of regeneration after a confrontation with "The Master and Speaker of the House of Lords on time, after a series of episodes and special events.

And while Tennant disconnected from his role in the continuation of talk a little manic, Doctor, Rose Matt Smith, this time as a fairly Goofy.
He checked his eyes, ears, chin, and he was happy he was impressed by his legs.

Only when checking his hair, he thought in panic, no longer meant it was a girl ... before it was quickly found that it was not.

It has been seen in his last moments on Earth in the Tardis.

But the fans were eager to see his presentation as the eleventh Doctor, the episode was all about David Tennant.

The doctor had to avoid the Master, played by John Sim, who had done everything a clone of himself and the world and control its nuclear facilities has become.
Believe that the prophecy that the doctor was going to die after four bars, he was resigned to his fate for some time.

First opened as a link between the yield was Galifrey Lord of time and the gentleman that he jumped into action and decided to stop the evil plans of the two.

With his faithful friend Wilfred Mott (Bernard Cribs), grandfather of former companion Donna Noble, he returns to earth to stop them.

But ultimately this was not the champion, had four times ....