Friday, February 12, 2010

My Almost Rape Terror!!

Arghh avast with ye RPG.

Mr and Mrs Chandler were kidnapped last October by pirates while tooling around on their yacht 'Lynn Rival' from the Seychelles heading towards Tanzania.

To show how 'savvy' pirates have becum they now have a pirate spokesman to give interviews and allow journalists to talk to their captives.

56-year-old Rachel Chandler told of how a pirate was intent on raping her in her tent but another pirate stopped him. Beating her was fine but sex ............ they found (and rightly so) objectionable. How sick of Roger the cabin boy would you have to be to have a go at this ?

Old Knudsen does not want to make light of their plight but maybe they should have stayed in Tunbridge Wells, Kent as it is not a nice world out their for two geezers on a yacht. "Oh look black fellas I wonder what they want, maybe they have beads to sell."

The spokesman said the Chandlers could be freed if everyone in Britain contributed 'just one dollar' towards a ransom , their demands have varied between £ 1.9million and £4.4million since the kidnap.

But this would never happen, the pirate said, because the British had no compassion for 'old' people and did not really want them back.

That sir is a lie! the UK is a compassionate socialist society that would gladly hand out money to kidnappers . The only problem is we don't do dollars, we'd have to go to the bank which is a pain, we don't like those ghey Euro thingys either but if you want to convert a pound to a dollar it should be around 61p ach me head is spinning with all this talk about giving money away. Do pirates now have a Seychelles bank account?

The pirate mouth piece also attacked the UK government for abandoning the couple and warned that the pirates would stop feeding them if the money was not paid soon.

The UK government have a wee expense account fraud thing going on right now so Chandlers don't be discouraged, its not that the government doesn't care but they are very busy people. We value yer plight we really really do, please hold.

The guilting went on "Why don't you help them? If each one person in the UK pays just one dollar that would be enough money.

These two people are old and poor, and that is why you don't care if they come home. You don't want old, poor people in your country.

They will die here until they pay the money, that's for sure."

Such harsh mocking make it stop. Like everyone in the cuntry gives a shit, if the pirates were so compassionate then they um wouldn't be pirates......... What else can they be they made really crap slaves?

The couple I'm guessing were able to retire early, they have a yacht and do you know how much it costs to sail around the world these days?

Away and fuck you Johnny Depp wanna be they sound like very upper middle class to me, not that wealthy people aren't worth saving but Old Knudsen wishes he had a yacht he could be kidnapped from.

The Chandlers could do with a starve look at those fat fuckers, she already has her pirates sunken chest.

Somali pirates need to stop learning from the likes of Bono and Geldoff maybe the bloodthirsty cut-throats are drumming up money for Haiti, thats nice and trendy and totally worth saving as it was such a thriving hub of business with no corruption at all.

Old Knudsen knows how the people of Haiti feel because after 20 aftershocks I cannae find my hoose either.