World leaders will always make decisions that have people up in arms misspelling protest signs, starting FaceBook groups and shouting doon anyone with a different opinion than theirs. Old Knudsen knows this better than anyone because he has studied the fine art of what pisses people off.
A Brit telling a Yank about their own cuntry really gets to them, Gog forbid a dirty foreigner should know more about it than they do........... No illegal immigrants aren't living off yer Welfare system, are you fcuking stupid? Americans can't even live off it.......... Yes you are losing two wars in the middle east and if you think the world hates you now just see what happens when you leave........... Yes poor education and circumcision does make Americans males angry and more likely to rape and abuse weemen........... Yes yer government hates you and you already have socialised medicine its called Medicare.
Obama is a tool but Old Knudsen backed him because the alternative was McCain and Sugar Tits. Eight years of Bush fcuking things up like the booming economy he took over from Clinton and invading two cuntries because one of them threatened his daddy and the other that was set up by the US just wasn't working anymore. A tough act for an inexperienced senator to follow.
Now Obama backs a mosque being built near Ground Zero in New York, if you read the outrage about it you'd think they were building it on Ground Zero. The fact is that its 2 blocks away on privately bought land and because this is becoming an issue the world will think of Americans as being total cnuts rather than just the stupid cnuts they are usually perceived to be .
The Mosque is touted as being 'a hub for interfaith interaction, as well as a place for Muslims to bridge some of their faith's own schisms.' oh and it has a swimming pool.......... fcuking A. If you want to take the moral high ground America even the Muslims have to get the religious freedom you hold so dear.
All Muslims do not support Al Qaeda or the tragedy of 9/11, so does it make sense to hate everything Muslim? The 9/11 cnuts were black haired men whats next hating Gerard Butler? away an fcuk no one hates Gerry on my watch! So is there to be a Muslim no go zone in New York? if so I hope that will apply to other regions in other places for instance no Jehovah witnesses around my hoose.
Don't get Old Knudsen wrong he doesn't like Ragheads or anyone else to be honest but he really dislikes injustice. If you have lived in Northern Ireland for any time during the Troubles you would have found it very easy to say "Fenian Irish Fcukers" every time an IRA bomb killed someone and yer view of Irish Catholics may very well be tainted. Its the same thing you may have a son or daughter in Iraq or Afghanistan and hate Muslims because some of the crazy ones want to kill one of yer own .
Remember there are fanatics in every religion just ask the very Christian Fred Phelps about that one . Hate the terrorists and their supporters not the whack jobs that just happen to be Muslim, Catholic or Protestant, they have lost reason and win out when you lose yers too.