Friday, November 4, 2011

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo starring Rooney Mara

This is Rooney Mara before she auditioned for the part of Lisbeth Salander of the Stieg Larrson best selling books.
Here she is again. Normal and pretty, almost bland and vanilla.

This I think is from a movie she did called "Dare" and she has also done the latest "Nightmare on Elm Street".

This is Rooney Mara now, no longer vanilla and bland and making a statement with the look of the Lisbeth Salander character.

Yes! This adds to how I imagined the character in my head without looking at the version played by Noomi Rapace.

This works for me. My imagination, NOT on my own head!

The red band unrated trailer for the David Fincher movie down below. And as a bonus one of my favorite pieces of cheesecake Daniel Craig stars in this movie too! Sweet! Can't wait!