Sunday, August 16, 2009

No Really I'm Going This Time

Old Knudsen in Jellystone park, yes he did climb El Colonel then he jumped using his flag as a parachute cos that is how he rolls.

Well I had me count doon clock and the blog didn't delete, what the fuck? Well its been three years doing this shite and now I need to go and grow as a person and watch cunting sunsets.

I'll leave my blog up for any TV execs that decide they want me to write more but for money and fame. We all need money during this time of recession so I'll only be funny for free if I want ta ride ya, as I said to David Carradine 'We must all tighten our belts'.

"Old Knudsen how do you get yer ideas?"

"Funny you should say that Mr letterman like you I have a team of writers but unlike you I have threatened to kill their families if it isn't funny."

Top ten reasons why Conan O'Brien is better than letterman:

1) He isn't Dave Letterman

2) He is funny with or without writers

3) I've said it all no need for any more.

The Time Lord Old Knudsen still lives in what we call bendy time as opposed to linear time so if in a hundred years or so he may comment on a blog or something, who gives a fuck its only blogging ?

Old Bitter Balls will remain up as will my other blogs hidden within my links maybe some day I might desire fame again and do that networking shite but I doubt it Old Knudsen is a blogger not really a blog reader. He hates to see so many brutalise the craft of blogging.

Obama heard that Old Knudsen may be leaving the blogs and so sat doon with meself (mine is the large beer) the Kevlar Rooster and Spike Lee. Obama wanted a token black there and Lee may want to do a film starring Denzil as to my actions in the middle east during the 8 day war in 1967 between the Israel army and the armies of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Yes I did mean to say 8 days as 6 days of fighting is for the weak and Old Knudsen needed more scalps.

You too can donate yer hair for cancer charities that make creepy looking wigs for cancer victims, Old Knudsen doesn't like to talk about his humanitarianism.

Its been real people but my life calls for drastic change and my lady gurly boy friend Woohoo takes it all out of me, hey there is nothing ghey about swallowing the load from a hot woman with a dick.

Read the papers to see what Old Knudsen is up to. What section you ask? why the obituaries of course.

Yeah yeah it won't be in the funnies I'll spoil that joke fer ya.