Sunday, November 29, 2009

Answer Me This

If the US government says they are not in league with Extra Terrestrial beings then why do they feel the need to prevent them from landing and sucking out our stem cells? Well thats what I got from the side of this car.

After 3 hours 2 men that were black got in and I proceeded to follow them. They must have known I was tailing them cos in a few minutes I had lost them. Old Knudsen is goo at tailing though he can't run as fast and as far as he used to.

White guy, black guy and a hispaniard wot no weemen?

I pulled some strings and called in a few favours to find out more about ET security. Ok I googled them. Never once do they mention aliens or space ships which is obviously suspicious.

They said they call their employees 'officers' and never 'guards' but the above picture was saved under their title of security guards so HA!

Watch out people for they are among us and black men and men in black know!