Monday, November 16, 2009

Let Poofters Marry

Old Knudsen has stepped up to participate in the NO H8 campiagn. Old Knudsen believes that poofs should be allowed to marry because why should they miss out on the suffering that is marriage ? ach waterboarding is a doddle. For too long have fart knockers been treated like they are something special just because they like to help Willy Wonka in ways the Oompa Loomas just can't.

If Spain which is a fascist cuntry the last time I looked (1945) and will allow ghey marriage then WTF land of the free?
Don't go quoting the bible at Old Knudsen or I'll start quoting Dan Brown or Michael Crichton which will make as much sense.

Let the Caribbean Plunderers do what they want with their adult consensual bootys and let them enjoy a good divorce like the rest of us.