Thursday, September 9, 2010

Girl Crush on You

   Our eyes met. Gaze connected. Should I approach her?

   I felt infatuation. Butterflies. But the person I felt these feelings about is...another girl.

   A girl crush is simply platonic but may run into feelings of infatuation, friendship, admiration of certain qualities, maybe even flirtation. So this may not simply be platonic then.

   My first girl crush (yes, there have been more) I admired for how easily she could fix herself up into looking...well, hot. She always had the handsomest boys, had a great sense of style, introduced me to ear piercing, was very smart, knew what to do with my hair, good listener.

   Eventually our friendship grew apart as most do. But then there were others. I felt differently about them than the ones that were my friends. I admired the one that played sports so well she excelled in different ones and even won trophies. I admired the one that would babysit me and just was so charismatic and funny.

   I wondered if i aspired to be like them. If they had qualities i admired but secretly wished i had. Did I wish I could wear a sundress as well as her? Or that I could run as fast? Do my hair or anyone's in a way that seemed like it came naturally for me?

   Nowadays it seems like in every media outlet there are examples of friendships and girl crushes. There are female celebrities that go further as Lindsay Lohan and Cynthia Nixon did and find another female to comfort them. You see girls holding hands, giggling together, having fun, bonding. Do guys react this way? I'm more than sure they don't. Is a crush between two girls more acceptable? Is it common and just not talked about?

   At the moment I have one acquaintance that i look forward to becoming friends with. We get along well, she is gorgeous, stylish, funny, has a large social circle. Is this all a bad thing or weird?