Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Leaving Callyfornia

Old Knudsen has left the building also the cuntry. A man burnt out and on the edge deported for a crime he did not comit, well he sort of did comit it but he was only acting on instructions from Gog who spoke to him while he was on the medication Sinestro .

For security sake Old Knudsen will not tell you where he has gone but there is a clue in the above picture.
Who knows what the future has in store for Old Knudsen and when he will return? He will not forget any of you, well he probably will since hes old and all.

There is a little Old Knudsen in all of you........... yes quickly go wash it out with bleach.

Always question what everyone takes for fact.
Hate people for what they do not what they are.
Learn to trust yer instinct.
There are more things in heaven and earth, you cunt, than are dreamt of in your um dreams.

If you ever need Old Knudsen just phone up yer emergency service number and ask for the storm bringer, they will deny all knowledge of me and may threaten to have you arrested hang in there its just their cover. If my fellow agents dressed as police do not bring you in I shall contact you after 3 days of tailing you if I see its not a trap.