Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kate Winslet is this weeks' Girl Crush

I have a confession to make---I have a girl crush on Kate Winslet.
Don't you dare tell me that she is not as talented as Meryl Streep!
I admit I haven't been 100% devoted to her career. I haven't watched "The Reader", "Revolutionary Road" nor "Mildred Pierce"-yet. But those are movies I have to watch when I am in a sad-movie watching mood.
I have loved her acting since "Heavenly Creatures" and thoroughly enjoyed "Sense & Sensibility", "Titanic" and my two favorite performances of hers' in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "Little Children". I need to watch her latest movie "Contagion" also but I do not want her dying in it!
She can act her ass off and in fact in a few of her movies has shown it. I love the fact that she can be naked in a movie physically and emotionally and it's all part of the deal that makes her such an awesome actress.
What about her perfect American accent? She pulls it off fabulously.