Sunday, July 1, 2012

You Sexy Bitch

Oh yeah baby take that ball in yer mouth.

It has to be an Englishman ........ Nicholas Saunders aged 46 was found guilty in an unanimous verdict of having sex with his ex wife's bull mastiff dog.

The bitch was begging for a bone!

Not only the dog but it was in the ex's bed too. He claims he was merely climbing over the dog to go to the toilet .......... I guess his dick got stuck in the dog on the way over and he had to gyrate his hips to get free.

Nicholas Saunders caught dogging the dog.

Mr Saunders had an argument with his gurlfriend and so he tried it on with his ex wife who turned him doon so the next logical hole was the dog. Only an Englishman has logic like that..... Southern English are the worst for this sort of thing.

The English are a strange people that put the stiff into Masstiff.

Judges are not known for their sense of humour but I'm sure that this one couldn't help but chuckle.

"The jury have found you guilty. It is an unusual offence and unusual behaviour. I want to know more about you and the offence so I am going to adjourn this matter for pre-sentence reports until July 27."

That is the long way of saying, "Details!"  Maybe the judge wants to know the best way how to fuck a dog and how obliging is the dog ..... doggie style yer honour, its a no brainer.

Do English weemen get turned on by dogs too?

They fcuk Englishmen so I wouldn't be surprised.

And now for the test:  How English are you?  

Which do you find the more sexually appealing?


Old Knudsen looks forward to reading yer answers in the comments.

A no comment is a sign of yer doggie lust guilt.