Saturday, August 26, 2006


Old Knudsen likes to keep up to date with what the young uns are doing, mostly so I can complain about them and poke fun.
I've heard of this thing called 'YouTube', now Old Knudsen won't be doing any wee shows for you like some performing monkey, my dial up couldn't take it anyway, I just want to point out that you are all being called Dickheads by the man.
I take it YouTube was named by a know it all American, because in my land which is the land of God's chosen people, no not the Jews, they are too busy starting wars, I mean the brave unconquered Scots, a 'tube' is an idiot, a dunce, a moron, if you are a total Tube and don't believe me look up the slang dictionary, Fat Sparrow has a link to it in her nest , so let's call it 'YouFool' and see how that takes off, oh they are renaming iPods, to 'RobMeNowI'mATwat'.
Also look out for the new Sony "Rug Muncher", and the Nokia cell phone, the "Bearded Clam".