Thursday, January 10, 2008


I got the idea from my fellow Bloggers to post a half naked picture on Thursday because Thursday is Thor's day who was always going about taking pictures of his hammer which as we all know he got from Loki who got it from some midgets.
The hammer which he named 'Mjollnir' (mine is named 'Kenny' as you all know) was powerful and magic even though the shaft was shorter than usual, it got the job done in other words showing us a valuable lesson that *quality and technique* is better than quantity and amateurishness. (is that a word?)

Yes there are parts of me that have never seen the sun. Back when I was younger the only people with tans were the poor folks working out in the fields and the rich uns were ultraviolet white and well a tan was just for commoners.

Well for yer titillation enjoy the picture, yes it really is me half naked.

*I of course have a huge dong and am a Fucksmith.*