Thursday, January 24, 2008

Old Knudsen In Trouble Yet Again


Our referenceMSSIJC/LIT&ARB/LDS12928243.1
18 January 2008

By Post, email and Fax:
Fax to
US Office Legal Dep’t: 001 650 253 0001
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UK Legal Dep’t: 0207 031 3001

Email to Blogger Complaints section



We act for the Diocese of Leeds.

We have been asked by our client to advise on the content of tile web page which it has just discovered with the above address which is posted by Blogspot (also known as Blogger)..
We understand Blogger is a blog publishing system which was bought by Google in 2003.

Having considered the web page• in question, which refers to our client and uuikes defamatory remarks about various priests within the Leeds Diocese, we have advisedour client that the content is highly defamatory of our client and the individual priests mentioned.

We request that you remove the offending web page from publication by. no later than 530pm today due to the complaints set out below.


Our client is very concerned generally about the tone and content cf the web page referred to above, however in particular our client takes issue with the following defamatory comments: . .

The website states:

“October priest Father Mathew Habron of St. Austin’s in Wakefield says his childhood dream was to be an astronaut and hopes some day to take a group of young boys to Huntsville, Alabama for a 13 day course at space camp.

This is totally untrue and highly defamatory of Father Habron’s reputation. This amounts to an allegation that Father Habron is connected with pedophilia and the publication of such allegations can not be tolerated.

The article goes on to say:

“Father Simon Lodge. of Middleton Grange, ILckley, had the idea for the calendar and reveals in November: “If I weren't a priest ‘would be up to no good. Or at least more than I am already? Which may be a reference to the pedophile and money extortion charges he has been accused of.

This express allegation that Father Lodge is accused of pedophilia and money extortion is totally untrue and highly defamatory of his reputation.

The article goes on to say:

“Father Eamonn Hegarty, of The Sacred Mean in Howden, East Yorkshire is shown coaching a boy’s running team known as The Sacred short shorts in February.

Again, this is untrue and defamatory

The article also states that;

“Bishop of Leeds, the Right Reverend Arthur Roach ... hopes the calendar will help young men see the human side of the priesthood and not just the perverted child fondling side.”

The Right Reverend Arthur Roach, Bishop of Leeds, has never made thesecomments and they are defamatory of his arid our client’s replication.

Further, the article states that Father Darren of East Wessex stated:

“If I Wasn't doing this I would probably be an arms dealer.”

Clearly, this comment has never been made and it is highly defamatory.

Whilst our client acknowledges and respects the freedom of expression Which the Internet affords, and has no interest whatsoever in stifling satire or criticism of the church which any individual might have, they are not prepared to sit back and ignore serious allegations of criminal involvement in pedophilia, which ate made against specific individuals.

It is clear that the above statements are highly defamatory and,a consequence, the web page in question must be removed without delay


Our client has no desire for a dispute against Blogger/Google but considers that it must take action to prevent the publication of such a damaging and defamatory article.

Therefore our client requests that the web page is removed from publication by no later than 5.30pm today.

failing which our client reserves all rights,request that Google enforce its Blogger Content Policy in order to defend its reputation as a responsible publisher- This policy states that in respect of “Hateful Content”:

"Users may not publish material that provokes hatred towards groups based On ‘race; ethnic origin religion, disability, gender, veteran status and sexual orientation gender identity "if it is clear that this site is making hateful, untruthful comments’ about a religious organisation which have the potential to seriously damage the reputation of the individuals mentioned and the Diocese of Leeds as a whole.

We reserve the right to refer to this letter in the context of any defence of innocent publication which you may seek to advance in respect of any claim brought for defamation in the English courts, which specifically relies on Section 1 of’ the Defamation Act.’ 1996

We would be obliged if you would direct any correspondence on this issue to Martyn Scott at the email address set out below.

Yours faithfully


I got a nice polite e-mail from blogger (24 Jan 2008) with the above attached to it.

A story I did on my News blog didn't go doon too well. Yet again its the Catholics and their lack of sense of humour, maybe I touched upon a few truths or sensitive issues. They protest a bit too much I fear.

I don't give a shite about what the Fenian church says they can't touch me unlike the many underage victims that have been touched however Blogger can end my existence at any time. I have been forced to take doon the offending post.

What did you say? why don't you just change the names and move the post? so it doesn't make allegations about anyone ? yeah that would work. If Blogger kills me then what can I do but start up another blog? no big deal I copy my posts anyway.

I just wish the Catholic church had taken such swift legal action against all the pedo priests they have hidden and supported and lied about for years as they have with me.

Dear Diocese of Leeds why are you so touchy ? get a sense of humour its a satirical blog. How about yer priests getting a real job instead of spending their spare time googling themselves .

Please feel free to e-mail the above law firm with any questions you may have.