Thursday, August 21, 2008

Slag Them All Off And Let God Sort Out His Own

Now Old Knudsen has nothing against gheys, live and let live no matter how disgusting and immoral you are thats what Old Knudsen says. If its a life-style choice then you'll burn in Hell but if you just happened to be shipwrecked on an island for 3 years with 4 good looking young firm men then its any port in a storm and God will understand.

No really, people that say, "I wouldn't eat bugs no matter what" just haven't been hungry enough and besides I did say they were good looking firm young men. Not that anything happened. Ok the island was Guernsey off the coast of France but details just get in the way sometimes.

Um look a hot woman. I would totally do a lying week on her, oh yeah she'd be begging fer more like they all do. Of course I wouldn't let her beg too long as I enjoy sex with females, now pushing a woman's poo doesn't give you ghey or Catholic inclinations I'd just like to clear that up.

What is wrong with America that they have to create these disgusting articles of head wear? I take head wear seriously thats why I mositurise me knob so you might get the odd taste of Dove if you suck me off, no not the soap I mean pigeons. Wrap some duct tape around the wee fuckers so they don't split on you and fuck them.

Some people hire those hawk trainer people to fly their hawk around to scare off pigeons as they can be a real nusiance like at airports or car parks or airport car parks, you get the idea. To really scare them off I'd be hired to hang around for an hour with a roll of tape and the wee bastards would fly off, word gets around I suppose.

Look a hot Asian chick pinching her nipples, see? I'm straight as they cum unless shes a gurly boy of course now thats the best of both worlds . Ever been to bangkok? Kok has been banged so many times his farts are silent.

I got this picture from someone who might or might not read this blog but I haven't been racist in this post and I felt like I needed to be in case all of my readers of colour felt left out. Remember during the whole Katrina ethnic cleansing hurricane thingy? well the darkies turned up their noses at the food that was dropped as who the fuck wants rice and water? So Donald Do-gooder did an air-lift of fried chicken and malt liquor and all hell broke loose. This was the last we saw of Donald as we believed he was cannibalised by Johnny black fella.

So, have you been watching the Olympics? nah me neither who gives a fuck?

What organization has killed millions of people and tortured thousands more? thought they were better than everyone else and so could dictate the law? Has put weemen in their place and killed them if they didn't comply? has complete morons as followers and likes to fondle children?

Answer at the bottom of the post.

Trust the Japs to make Anime pedo dolls. If it were up to me I would have used 5 nukes on them, fucking Yanks soft as shite.

"The Iranians abused me and made me cry by flicking the back of my neck." Horatio Nelson one of Britain's greatest navel heroes would be spinning in his grave at the sight of the modern day navy and military in general.
The Russians kick fuck out of their soldiers for fun and the Brits did right up until the 80's. Now its I-Pods and getting yer arse handed to you on a dirty plate by sandsavages. The west is getting it's pan knocked in. The west has nukes for fucks sake might as well use them cos the miltary is useless.
Oh no waterboarding is torture, well what the fuck do you think they would do to you? they would get an eleven year-old to hack off yer head with a pen-knife in the name of Allah.

PETA, brutal cunts they are, crazy as fuck.

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