Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Two Arms

I thought that when the other big cuntries bent on world domination would make a move it would be China taking over Taiwan. The world would be impotent to stop them because of the size of China and the fact that it has bought most of the West and who wants to ruin the elitist Olympic games?

China hasn't done anything that America or Great Britain hasn't done anyway we just don't like weirdo cuntries doing the invading.

No one of China's buddies has started it and no one can stop them or win in a war against them but me.

Russia has invaded Georgia. I pity Savannah who lives doon that way but I'm willing to bet with their excessive drinking habits she will fit in nicely.

Who will save Amanda kozak miss Georgia in 2007? her virtue is in peril.

The oppressive former commie regime is against freedom and will out-law many things including drug use, reality shows and camel toe. We must rise up and fight. In Russia itself Putin has decided that Stalin is only to be thought of as a tough leader and not a blood thirsty murderer who killed anyone he thought was a threat to him, Putin thinks that Stalin is cuddly? I'd be worried about that alone.

Ever notice that Russia spelt backwards is ai-ssur ? well I won't be saying "Aye sir" to those cunts which is why they will be marching towards Callyfornia to kill me, does my loyal service during the cold war not mean a thing? away and fuck Russia.

Yes America go on about Brittany or who John Edwards has been shafting and just ignore the big stories that will effect the world.
This is what North Korea and Iran do all the time, they cross the line and see what the rest of the world will do except they already knew the world can't do fuck all.

We can't beat Russia even if they didn't have China and Iran as buddies but I shall go doon trying and they will have to pry my Colt Commando from my cold dead hands. Fuck you Joe Kennedy, Chamberlain and Obama you'll be finding no cowardly appeasement here just death and bullets, yes mostly my death but I shall arise on the third day and fuck off to Heaven but don't worry you'll get yer reward after you die. I also have some swamp land that is ideal for building upon to sell you .

Arm yerselves people, not just against the Russians but also against yer neighbours for this is the beginning of the end. The west is weak and the east is strong, they have the manpower and the oil and we have Paris Hilton and David fucking Beckham.

Wake up world and build yer armies, Churchill said the same thing about Germany so listen up wankers.
Germany, Russia and China why can't they have easier languages to learn?

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