Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Have My Hand Up The Cow's Arse Because I'm A Vet

No one reads on a Saturday and good for them. A certain well I don't want to call him a blogger has accused me of never having served in the military. I just wanted to remind him that other cuntries than the US do have a military, far better ones than the US military I must add. No I won't bring up the who has won and lost most wars between the USA and the UK as that would be like comparing a seasoned veteran warrior against a young fat wee baby.
Don't worry yanks some day you'll beat some semi stone-age culture like gooks in the jungle or arabs in the desert.

The picture is me when I served with the Spartans along with my 300 hand picked Scottish soldiers to fight off the Persians or Iranians. We were called the Spartans in tartan. Yep we kicked their arses and yep I have framed pictures of myself all over the hoose.

This my dear Troll would be my veterans badge along with something you'll be seeing soon. I don't need to prove myself to Americans, you should be smart enough you'd know what a trained keeler I am, remember the Alamo? I didn't kill 500 Japs at Normandy just to have some fat reality show loving cunt question me.
I didn't kill 3,000 Russians at the battle of the belly bulge during the cold war just to have some horse lover delete my comments on their blog because I is funnier.

And most of all I didn't kill JFK .............. no wait I think I may have. Don't worry I have a statue of limatations, well its actually a lamp.

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