Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Know You Are But What Am I?

Kenny Chesney ............. a cuntry singer is so unconfident about his sexuality that he has to totally prove to people he isn't ghey. You know like when Tom Cruise sued the guy that said he was ghey?

So is being ghey like an insult or something or are we still in the schoolyard? Here is how Chesney over reacted

"I'm pretty confident in the fact that I love girls. [laughs] I've got a long line of girls who could testify that I'm not gay." A long line indeed. "There were years when I had a better summer than A-Rod," Chesney boasts, adding that he's been with "over 100" women. "My first five years on the road were intense, because I was the guy in college who never got laid until I started playing guitar."

OMG did you see the shoes she is wearing? it totally clashes with her outfit!

I don't care if you are a poo pirate you sing cuntry which makes you a twat. Yer also in denial about being bald hence the hats so I don't believe a thing you say. He did leave out that he shagged 500 dudes as well as the 100 weemen.

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