Saturday, September 19, 2009

Don't Hurt The Murdering Pedo

A second attempt to execute a US man by lethal injection has been temporarily halted by a federal court.
Murderer and rapist Romell Broom, 53 had to have his execution rescheduled to Tuesday after Ohio state officials failed to find a vein in the first attempt.

And then Judge Gregory Frost issued a 10-day restraining order after a plea by Broom's lawyers.

They said the pain he suffered in the first attempt violated a constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment.

Execution staff hit muscle and bone while trying to access a suitable vein last Tuesday and Ohio Governor Ted Strickland issued a week-long reprieve after about two hours of unsuccessful attempts.

Broom's lawyer, Tim Sweeney, said his client had "sustained both physical and mental injuries" during the attempts. Witnesses said he had been distressed and appeared to cry.

Broom has been sentenced to die for the rape and murder of 14-year-old Tryna Middleton in 1984.

Ohio has executed 32 inmates since the state resumed executions in 1999.

For once it wasn't Kanye West interrupting the execution.

So much is wrong from this story from the BBC firstly he was sentenced in 1984 just think of all the money to hoose and guard him and then there are all the legal appeals over those years.

Two hours to find a vein? wise up people and I bet he screamed like a baby at the orders of his lawyer. Who cares if he cried ? I'm sure 14-year-old Tryna Middleton cried.

Old Knudsen believes in an eye for an eye and do unto others etc. He cannot think of any valid reason to keep people like this alive. If they want to live then prison can't be that bad of a punishment.

What a silly cuntry that puts the welfare of pedo killers before its lawful citizens. Broom has recieved 25 years of FREE health care at the expense of the tax payer but where are the protests and the calls of "You Lie!" for this?

In Callyfornia they are more worried about the inmates than the law abiding people which is why programs for schools, elderly, sick and poor are being cut. It looks to be the same in other states also.

People (bleeding heart liberals) go on about the cost of executions being more than to keep them in prison, well that is only applicable if you don't kill them after they are sentenced and found guilty, git her done.

So for years you Americans have been paying taxes for socialised health care but only for criminals, what does that say about the greatest cuntry in the world?