Monday, September 14, 2009

The Road To Hell

Did anyone see Old Knudsen on the telly? Giving health care to the poor and needy is not the mark of a civilised cuntry, as the traitors during the war of Independence chanted, "No taxation with or without representation cos we don't like paying taxes darn it".

We want fiscal responsibility how can we pay for houses we can't afford and go to war with wogs in the middle east if we have to pay taxes to help those less well off? All those lazy disabled, sick and old senile people are just pulling a fast one they need to get out and get jobs.

Did ya see the beginning of the film 300? they threw all the babies that weren't healthy over a cliff to die and that is what we should do with anyone that cums round here thinking the US is a civilised caring cuntry. Old Knudsen might also be thinking about labour/death camps.

Lets have protests for that is what makes America great, if we protested more we'd still have slavery and not be in this situation in the first place. We'd have a right wing Caucasian chicken hawk bravely steering this cuntry to success like the last 8 years, we didn't need to protest then did we?

What is up with the UK and their 17% taxes ? I wonder what commie established socialised medicine there, oh yeah it was Winston Churchill so then I guess in that case if you are against socialised medicine then you must support Hitler we all have a lot of soul searching to do.

I would like to address this sign. Kennedy had the best American health care his vast fortune could buy and still he died so maybe he should have went to Canada, his brothers were shot in the US and they died too I guess some people just don't learn.

Old Knudsen gets drawn into the whole health care debate a lot recently one fella talked about his dirt bikes and quads he looks after in his garage and then the next says about how he doesn't want to pay for other people's health care, understandable of course he has his so fuck the rest I bet I'll see him in church on Sunday.

Another chap told me about how in the UK they don't treat old people cos they are going to die anyway, Old Knudsen was shocked to hear this from a well informed American. He also didn't want the workers to pay for the bums.

In America the insurance companies have death panels galore they just won't cover you old or not and the old people that have coverage get prescribed a ton of meds they don't need to help them along or incompetent treatment Old Knudsen has seen this.

He just hopes for the sake of the angry rednecks that karma isn't watching because if these people dictate the out cum for health care they will get sick and end up bankrupt at the hands of their insurance companies looking for help. What goes around cums around and I don't just mean Old Knudsen's rash that he can't get health care for due to his pre-existing conditions, ach its a rigged game .