Thursday, December 8, 2011


The 27 leaders of the Eurozone have walked into an ingenious trap set by Germany as they attended an EU party in Brussels .
David Cameron the Prime minister of Very Great Britain took a head shot at point blank range from an operative of German special forces the KSK. The German chancellor Angela Merkel was seen to punch the air in triumph as Germany a two time loser of world wars hopes to some day become less of a loser by winning a war..... any war.

The last two world wars started during a time of global recession with extremely high gold prices and a strong Germany so why would this time be any different? 

The traditional march into Poland has already begun and time to save money France has volunteered to invade itself.

Deputy prime minister Nick Clegg said moments ago from outside of number 10 Downing Street (he isn't allowed inside) "I told him not to go but every time I say something he does the opposite, why will no one listen to me?"  then a police officer moved him on.

US President Barry Obama met with top advisers to discuss the situation.

President Obama made the position of America clear and said that it wasn't their war, maybe in a few more years so not his problem as he'll be doing after dinner speeches and writing his memoirs then. The President did say that he had hope and a pocket full of change. 

 Michelle Obama is said to be under the influence of a sinister frog named 'Rasputin'. 

Don't worry folks Old Knudsen has seen wars cum and wars go. It will all be over for Christmas. Now Old Knudsen just has to figure out who the winner will be. Will Germany get third time lucky? Choosing sides this time will be a little tricky and China will probably cum in at the end and kill us all.

What do you get a China man for Christmas who has everything?