Sunday, December 25, 2011

RIP Prince Philip

Prince Philip the Queen's stud died in Papworth hospital, Cambridgeshire, after a heart operation to fit a coronary stent, he was 90 years old . The prince's heart was too black and hardened. It is thought that he died around the same time as the Queen's pre-recorded speech about building family ties aired on the telly. A similar speech that had been given by Queen Victoria in 1914.

If only the Prince could have afforded private health care instead of wasting NHS resources.

Philip has always been health conscious giving free advice to those he met through the years. To a British student in China, 1986, “If you stay here much longer, you’ll go home with slitty eyes.”

In 1998 he said to a 13 year-old boy  Andrew Adams, 13, “You could do with losing a little bit of weight.”

That was when he was promoting awareness for teenage suicide.

Always keeping up to date with medical science. To Susan Edwards and her guide dog in 2002: “They have eating dogs for the anorexic now.”

The Queen was holding up well until she heard the news that there is going to be a Fast and the Furious #7, that sent her over the edge of grief.
We'll miss you sir, if only the UK had more mouthy gob-shites like you and yer wife (Gog bless her) living off Government hand-outs and getting everything paid for.