Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Trafalgar Square Slaughter


Police are asking the public for information on a public lynching that happened in Trafalgar square on Good Friday.

The half naked man was beaten, whipped and stabbed before being nailed to wooden beams. The torture of this poor man was seen by thousands including children, many of which will now have to attend therapy.  

These bastards should not be allowed to get away with this! The line of investigation that the police are following is that it could be connected with Satanism as many in the crowd encouraged each other in the baying for blood and well its just not right it sounds very Satany. 

Whats next a priest showing ghey porn to a load of primary school kids during a presentation at their school and then telling them they should donate money to the church? ........... No wait Father Martin McVeigh did that last week. 

There are some sick fcukers out there people, stay sharp, stay safe.