Sunday, June 1, 2008

A Bad Day For Posting

My horoscope in the sign of Gemini says I'm the life and soul of the party a great communicator but also not too deep , well communicate this fuck face what a load of blurt , I'm shy and withdrawn besides no one invites me to their parties once word gets around about me and deep? I'm so introspective my head is firmly up my hole, Old Knudsen's shite tastes like chicken in case you were wondering.

I think all Horoscopers, astrologers and astronomers are being used by the Devil to manipulate man-kind, by the Devil I mean Satan, Lucifer was a beautiful Scottish angel forever doomed to blog, not the same as Satan at all, hes a cunt.

With the Sun in bouncy Gemini and ends with it in emotionally sensitive Cancer. The buoyancy of the sign of the Twins is pumped up to higher than average levels when the New Moon in this sign occurs on June 3.

I doubt I'll get to pump these hot twins.

All this talk about bouncy twins getting pumped is kinda hot but will Old Knudsen see any of this? The fuck he will.
Who believes in this shit? I really can't believe that 20 million people have the same fortune everyday.

White people with dreadlocks what the fuck is that about ? You just know these two get stoned a lot.

Joyous conjunction of the Sun and Moon is joined by attractive, pleasure-seeking Venus, increasing the chances for fun in the weeks that follow. It's easy to connect with others on a superficial level, but deeper connections can be harder to make in commitment-phobic Gemini.

I have a pleasure-seeking penis that wants to connect with others on a superficial level as for commitment once I'm in something I never pull out until the job is done.

Potent Pluto, the mythological lord of the underworld, backs out of Capricorn on June 13 to make one last visit to Sagittarius through late November.

What? who the fuck decided that Mickey Mouse's dog was in charge of the underworld what about the Goddess Hel or Kate Beckinsale? and what the fuck does any of that mean?

I've said before that the most cruel joke that God has ever played was to make twins and to make them ugly.

The planet Pluto was discovered in 1930 does that mean that all predictions were wrong before that? Pluto isn't even a real planet now so why count it and what if there are other planets we don't know about? see? its all wrong and a load of crap.

Parts of this post came from Jeff Jawer a professional astrologer since 1973, his articles have appeared in astrology journals, magazines and Web sites around the world.

Some of my UFO stories have appeared on UFO web sites, that doesn't make them true you know.

He holds a B.A. in The History and Science of Astrology from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and teaches and lectures both in the United States and abroad.

Still he finds time to make this shit up he should be a blogger. The science of Astrology nope I'm sure not believing that one.

Just because you use the word science doesn't make it real just ask a scientologist nah don't bother they are as dumb as a box of frogs.

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