Saturday, June 7, 2008

Birthday Hoors

Today it seems that dirty, pervy , hornivores types that think they are so hot all have their birthdays so today is 'International full of yerself birthday day'.

No my birthday has already been so nice try.

Prince is a dirty wee Jovohva witness singer type who wears high heels, gurly make-up and pretends to fuck the stage when hes sings those sinful songs full of smut and filth. He is 54 today. I got sick of the wee shite 20 years ago but he hangs around like a fart in a phone box.

Tom Jones is Welsh, that's enough sin and burden for anyone but this cunt flaunts it. I know for a fact that he packs his trousers with rolled up socks cos I gave him the idea. Jones is 87 today.

Dave Navarro is a poofy guitar player who hangs around with other skinny dying fuckers who sprinkle cocaine on to their cornflakes and think lunch is a bottle of J.D. (yes I'm jealous) he tried to be cool but has since appeared in a Puff Daddy/diddy/doddy video and had his own reality show, yes he is now a media hoor, he is 48 today.

Morris Blackstaff is a famous porn star from such movies like 'Animal rights/animal wrongs' and 'Yer ma loved it.' At a premier of one of his films he was to shake hands with the Queen but instead he feed his long dong through his jacket sleeve and she shook his penis, since then he has been on my hit list, yes Mr Blacstaff yer end will cum at my hands, he is 56 today.

Liam Neeson from Ballymena, Northern Ireland a town where Old Knudsen used to reside is a Fenian cocksucker who refused the keys to the city only because its full of bitter Protestants who hated him when he lived there and still do, where is the love Mr Neeson? you don't deserve such an honour. A crappy actor who doesn't do accents because he can't, like Sean Connery but shite.

Neeson is 63 today and hates puppies.