Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Prison, Work And Marriage .... Work At Yer Marriage Or It Becomes A Prison

I was sent an e-mail by some cunt that knows what annoys me, I'll tell you what that is. Prison guards getting paid more than teachers and prisoners not being executed right away with none of that appeal crap in order that they aren't a drain on society any more than they have already been.
If you support pedos and rapists then you pay for their up keep, food and medical expenses.

Here is a picture of a lovely building, a prison in Austria no less. I've stayed at hotels that have looked worse than this. Austria is the same as Germany right? well to me anyway so therefore the prison is probably full of Nazis and pedos because the last time I was over there that's what I found and the place couldn't have changed that much from the 1940's not going by the searches I get from there on my shite meter.

It almost makes you want to lock up yer daughter for 20 years and have 5 kids with her just to get in............... I said almost you sick fuckers.

I see the furniture is prison ghey.

In prison You spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell .

At work you spend the majority of your time in a 6X6 cubicle /office

In prison you get three meals a day fully paid for.
At work you get a break for one meal and You have to pay for it

In Prison you get time off for good behavior.
At work you get more work for Good behavior.
In prison the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you .
At work you must often carry a security card And open all the doors for yourself .
In prison you can watch TV and play games.
At work you could get fired for watching TV , playing games or reading this blog.
In prison you get your own toilet.
At work you have to share the toilet with some people who pee on the seat.......... guilty yer honour!
In prison they allow your family and friends to visit.
At work you aren't even supposed to speak to your family which is ok as yer family are right cunts.
In prison all expenses are paid by the taxpayers with no work required .
At work you get to pay all your expenses to go to work, and they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

In prison you spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out.
At work you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars.
In prison you must deal with sadistic wardens.
At work they are called managers.
You could then go on to talk about rough anal sex in the showers but that's comparing prison to marriage. I've had longer marriages than a fucking rapist would do time, not fair where is our time off for good behaviour?

The violence the bullying and the counting the days but hey that's enough about marriage I'm off to prison for some relaxation and a tan.
Now get back to work ya cunts I'm not paying you to read this crap, no really I'm not paying you.