Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sanity Is Crazy

Old Knudsen's government ordered psychiatrist says that Old Knudsen suffers from delusions of grandeur and mild depression.

Who the fuck is he to say what is wrong with the greatest blogger/lover and alpine gardener in the world?
When the Mothership cums for me to save the universe he'll eat his hat except he is without a hat and thus weak!

He is the one depressed as he is about to lose his job due to state cut backs now he'll have to get a real job.
Ach wouldn't it be great if people paid me to tell them what their problem was? "Yer a cunt now take these pills and pay yer bill on the way out."

The new meds Old Knudsen is on seem to be working and maybe they will work even better when I take them like there is anything wrong with Old Knudsen.

A new segment for my blog, targeting people in the street with a high powered rifle without them knowing and pulling the trigger with the safety on.

This week it was yer Ma............................. I've already had her but I could of had her again Ka-Chow!