Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Welsh Post

Old Knudsen has had a complaint that the Welsh are no represented on his blog and so he looked for the biggest Welsh headline he could and here it is.

Fire-fighters have tackled a blaze on a bus thought to be carrying people to the Royal Welsh Show in Powys.

No injuries and all of the passengers on board were accounted for.

The bus was "severely damaged" in the incident between Builth Wells and Brecon at Felinfach.

Three fire engines and more than 15 fire-fighters were called to the scene.

For fucks sake kill me now, the only interesting Welshman I knew was Harold Lloyd and that was only because he kept falling off big cocks or was it clocks?

Here is the real story. All three of the Welsh fire engines were called out after a hillside awoke that was really a dragon.

It was disgusted that after its 5000 year sleep the Welsh were still humping sheep. The bus was known as the mint sauce express and an abomination to the world . The dragon used its magical fiery breath and ignited the bus and then flew away.

Taffy Jones the driver said, " The poor sheep-oes got marinated and then barbecued boyo".

Thats like how they speak you see.

The passengers got to eat the sheep twice and then sung a close harmony chorus song about green hills and the like. Then they coughed up a pound of phlegm, no that was just them speaking Welsh.