Saturday, October 31, 2009

I Pass Judgment And Wind

Old Knudsen is always looking out for new weemen to share his life for 5 or 10 minutes, don't get Old Knudsen wrong he is not a cheater but if yer jar of raw liver goes off then you'd get some new fresher liver right? If the body in the garage is starting to swell up and about to explode you get rid of it and go out on the prowl.

You all know that Old Knudsen is right. So I checked out as I am too busy and well known on the local club scene at the discos round here.

I don't like to restrict myself to gender even though I'm no poof oh know not Old Knudsen, you ask his gurlyboyfriend if Old Knudsen is a real man. I wanted to see the competition, yeah that was it.

Here is a real applicant as I cannae make this shite up:

Looking for someone to share life, experiences, and love with. I kinda live life on the edge a little bit but not too extreme. I'm very into art and anything creative. I guess i'm looking for someone not afraid to live or try new things.

You'd think white supremacist biker that sells drugs and robs old ladies when you see this guy but as scary as he may look Old Knudsen was speaking to a woman the other day with tattoos all over her chest and neck

The woman was well spoken, polite and well educated. A shock and a change from Old Knudsen's usual American encounters.

Donn send me an email full of people who had difficulty in finding work and wanted to know if I needed any runners for the rich people I know who like to hunt the ultimate prey .......... man!

We judge too much on looks and it is a natural thing to do. Everyone perceives Old Knudsen as a charming, debonair playboy only interested in putting his willy into weemen like this.

Ok you may be correct about that but she is a cracker.

When you see a Neo-Nazi in a bomber jacket, skinny jeans and DM boots sporting a skin head hair cut and neck tattoos praising Hitler do not assume he is an uneducated lout about to kick yer shit in and carve you up with a Stanley knife.

The young thug in question may have completed further education and loves his mum and puppies. Think about that as he stomps on yer face breaking yer cheek bones and eye sockets and feel ashamed for having judged for who are you to judge? unless you are indeed a judge then its ok.