Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Iceland Exports Ash

Jack looks more worried than usual. He knows the island needs him but hes fucked if hes gonna eat pished on sheep eye balls or horse dumplings.

Iceland a nation of 320,000 people and a land of contradiction no maybe it isn't. Once invaded by the British then passed round to the Yanks like the village bike they people are a happy lot prone to knitting , alcoholism and axe throwing . An interesting diet of sheep arse lips and rotten fish has the average Icelander living to the ripe old age of 58 and when an Icelander dies all of the 320,000 people who are all related cum out to see his longboat sail out in a blaze of flames.

Speaking of flames the volcano under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier has erupted causing melting ice and smegma to gush doon and flood lowland areas. Hundreds of people and sheep have been evacuated . The other concern is the Katla volcano under the vast Myrdalsjokull ice cap which might blow too.

If fact Old Knudsen believes it will since that eruption with disrupt air traffic between Europe and North America.
Anything that can go wrong with me getting to my homeland will happen, hey Jesus had it tough too ................. not that I'm saying Old Knudsen is Jesus, I'm no stupid long haired sandal wearing hippy.
If someone smacks you on the cheek you don't turn the other one you put yer guard up and knock 10 shades of shit out of them, if you let folk push you around you'll end up listening to the voices in yer head and get tortured to death.

Pall Einarsson, a geophysicist at the University of Iceland, said "Hertigertum hiddle fergun snatsum." Well said sir.

I hope my Northern Muse peep is faring her economy and island collapsing, it really does soon like Ireland just throw in some pedos .............. into the volcano I mean. Keep an eye on the horizon for longboats just in case 320,000 vikings have to go somewhere.