Monday, April 19, 2010

Lost .......... In Belfast

Previously on Lost:

Stranded in Belfast because all airline flights are cancelled around Europe because of the evil Icelanders and their volcano .

You see Charlie we are all in comas on an alien spaceship and this reality is playing out on the ship's computer, the smoke monster was the sun reflecting off the volcanic ash from Iceland and only my body died because I am now a cyborg .

You like to blow shit up? well the volcano blew its ash money shot all over you. Look how hot I am baby, check out my new adult profile on Facebook, friend me good and hard go on poke me.

But what about the polar bear and why is Hurley still so fat?

Don't fuck with me you little obbit its destiny, fate or some such shite.

I knew you didn't know ya baldy cunt.

Dude I'm just big boned and I don't like sports unless there is fried chicken involved.

I don't see nae fuckin ash!

Ben and the others are out there causing the ash with their outside smoking.

No its not about the ash, the city wants something from us and won't let us go until we vote for the DUP. Just vote DUP for unity we'll get rid of the others and live in peace.

I spent my whole life trying to get approval from my father and doubting I could be the best I could be ................ held back by my own fear but now that I'm trapped in Belfast damn do I feel soooo superior.
Hey why is everyone so white and puffy? wanna touch my abs?
