Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Feel Free To Go Fuck Yerself

Old Knudsen feels the need to weigh in on the complete balls up British Prime Minister Gordon Brown texture like sun made after he spoke to a 66 year-old former lollipop lady on one of his walkabouts in the dirty sin ridden area of northern England known as Rochdale.

Gillian Duffy a widow at first heckled Brown before she got to talk to him. She talked to him in the similar way Old Knudsen has heard Americans speak, Old Knudsen being white and British the people here forget that he is an immigrant and so speak freely. She said: "In Falinge, we have all kinds of immigrants living there and at one of the schools, there are 18 languages spoken. There are a lot of Polish people as they have shops opened for them. We are not saying it is a bad thing, but we don't want people coming to live here and claiming benefits."

Yeah um I'm not saying Poles are bad but not in our backyard , we still have all those blacks that came over in the 50's.

Old Knudsen does think that if you move to another cuntry in which the majority speak a language then learn to speak it but in schools with differently aged children that may not be so easy. We are all immigrants or children of immigrants so fuck up and get over it the world is getting smaller.
I get told over here about Mexicans getting all the welfare benefits, I guess they must get special treatment cos Old Knudsen doesn't qualify for anything, in fact the born and bred Americans are lucky to get anything................ its not a socialist state you know, no council houses here and the government doesn't give a fuck.

After the talk with Mrs Duffy Brown got into his car but forgot he still had his mike attached.

Some of his conversation with an aide was caught on tape "That was a disaster – they should never have put me with that woman, she was just a bigoted woman."

Well she is 66 so how the fuck does the 18 languages in school effect her? Just collect yer government pension and wait to die like the rest of us.

The shock is that Gordon Brown texture like sun didn't like her and possibly the way she referred to the million Eastern Europeans flocking to the UK and no doubt he didn't want a straight forward conversation in public with an angry woman.

He has since been apologising to anyone who will listen especially Mrs Duffy.

The UK doesn't have free speech so any conversation or point of view is subject to scrutiny unlike the USA when then Vice President Dick Cheney told a Senator to "Go fuck himself" when questioned about all the shady business Cheney put towards Haliburton.

If only we had free speech in the UK then it wouldn't be such a big deal, "Oye Mr Brown, wot about all thems nig nogs, fuzzies, muzzies and slavs that live in Britain, can we not build a fence to keep them out or at least lock them up on the Isle of Man and bomb it along with the poofters?"

"Thank you for your question now GO FUCK YOURSELF!"

If this is the silly thing that lets the Conservatives win the election Old Knudsen will personally punch Mrs Duffy on the back of the head. I can say that as right now I'm in free America, unless you are an Obama aide who tells a Jewish joke of course then it isn't so free.
