Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Just Took A Dump

I have gone through my links and weeded out those not giving me love but still taking mine. Blogs that don't link to me or did but dropped me and I was still linking to them, heartless bastards.
I was surprised by some of those who dropped me as they are people I like but what can you do ? I'll try not to take it personal, people go off you or some how you inadvertently offend them, probably liberal, ghey, Catholic, Arab lovers with pedophilic leanings anyway yes you know who you are.

If you feel I have removed you by mistake or would like a link or even removed e-mail me. People just popping up out of the blue will not be believed as I have the smell of spammers in the air yet again. For fucks sake does the NHS not medicate ?

Ah well I feel better that I have lightened my load I've decided to be a cult icon as I'm doing ok at this lark with my minimum of effort, then again just think if I put all my posts from all my blogs into one blog the yapping I'd get from people calling me prolific and telling me to slow doon and the like. Its no my fault my brain works at the double.