Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yay Its A Leap Year And No I Won't Marry You

Stare at this picture and see how long it takes you to puke. A reader displaying his love for me, what have you cunts done for me lately?

I've posted during the other events of the year but today is special its a leap year, mainly because people don't know what the fuck they are doing, a bit like daylight saving time.

Today is a lucky day to start a project or endeavour, since its Friday that might include drinking a different type of beer or fulfilling yer dream of shagging a midget up the shitter, I don't know what you sick fucks are into.

Its also a day deemed proper for weemen to ask men to marry them so go on then get married for the novelty of it not to mention the savings on anniversary gifts and its not like yer going to forget the date.
Its said to be bad luck to turn a woman doon on this day so heap on the peer pressure and mess with peoples OCD why don't you.

Never fear for the greatest nation in the world has cum up with an answer. The Scots believe they are immune to any bad luck if the woman doesn't show a scarlet petticoat under her dress. Feel free to use this excuse to crush any woman's dream who tries to trap you with marriage.

Every leap year Lemons leap off a Cliff, I have no idea why they do this.

What do you call a man with a seagull on his head? Cliff.

What do you call a woman with Old Knudsen's cock in her mouth? Yer ma.................................or his ma.

So Christmas has Santa, Easter has a bunny what does a Leap day have? A high body count?

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