Friday, May 1, 2009

Fatwa Fridays

Old Knudsen firmly believes that religion is there for comfort. Old Knudsen does not judge all the other religions that aren't his to be wrong that is up to the Lard to burn them all but if Ragheads find comfort in beheading people then who are you to judge?

Old Knudsen would be greatly comforted if the whole middle east was nuked, I shall suggest that to Mr Obama as a way of getting rid of nuclear weapons.

Allah, Muhammad and Osama are still pussies for not accepting Old Knudsen's combat to the death challenge. Don't you find it strange that we are worried about swine flu and you can't have Muhammad without 'ham' or 'mad' ? Old Knudsen may be onto something here . You can't trust anyone who doesn't eat bacon, thats in the Bible you know.

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