Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Party One People One Leader

Shortly after the execution of 300 Republican party members who refused to wear black shirts and learn how to goose-step Rush Limbaugh the unofficial Republican party spokesman blamed the swine flu epidemic on those who reject Intelligent design, sexual abstinence out of marriage unless its with him and Illegal ghey immigrants who want to get married.

Limbaugh who has never fully gotten over his baby getting abducted and ate by dingoes in 1932 and an addiction to pain medications such as Asperin and Budweiser lite foamed at the mouth as he spewed forth his bile.

The ground zero for the flu has been narrowed doon to two ghey beaners known only as Hose-A and Hose-B who may or may not work for Osama Bin Laden.

Limbaugh has demanded that they be burned alive on a cross as an example and patrol dogs with frikkin laser beams on their heads patrol the border until a wall is built .

Well Old Knudsen doesn't know about you lot but to him it kinda makes sense or is it the varnish that Old Knudsen is huffing speaking?

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