Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Did You Do During The War?

John Demjanjuk aged 89, was deported to Germany from the United States to face allegations of being an accessory to the murder of 29,000 Jews and others as a Nazi guard at the Sobibor death camp.

Ukrainian born Demjanjuk, was sent to Sobibor as part of a legion of foreign SS “volunteers.” He had been a soldier in the Red Army and he was recruited while being held prisoner in a German P.O.W. camp.

The retired Ohio autoworker was born “Ivan” Demjanjuk and the Israelis tried to charge him with being “Ivan the Terrible” a notoriously sadistic guard at the Treblinka death camp.

The Israeli Supreme Court overturned Demjanjuk’s conviction in 1993 after evidence emerged that he was not in fact that “Ivan.” Since he was simply a guard at another camp the Israelis did not regard this as sufficient reason to continue to hold him.

Spot the war criminal as he aides the enemy.

In West Germany in 1968 a general amnesty was posted for those lower level guards. Many former guards have been let off the hook and even before the amnesty Germany went lightly on many war criminals.

Josef Oberhauser an SS officer who in 1965 was found guilty for his part in the murder of 300,000. Oberhauser was sentenced to four years and six months in prison thats 7.8 minutes for each of his victims.

By the same reckoning Demjanjuk should get about 5 months. In fact it turns out that Oberhauser would have been in charge of Demjanjuk at Sobibor, its a small world after all.

So now Germany is gagging to charge Demjanjuk for his minor role even though they themselves refuse to extradite their own war criminals.

In June 2005, an Italian court found ten former members of the Waffen SS Reichsführer division guilty of mass murder for their roles in the infamous massacre of 560 civilians in the town of Sant’Anna di Stazzema none of them were extradited and will miss out on the fun to be had in prison and live out their lives in Germany.

Lock the fucker up , Demjanjuk did unto others so it wouldn't get done to him, its karma but its pick and choose karma. In 2002 the German justice minister Herta Däubler-Gmelin who was the daughter of a famous Nazi war criminal compared George Bush To Hitler.

Germany has never been right in the head.

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939 from the west Russia invaded Poland about a week later from the east. They met in the middle and built a border together. The Russians then set about executing 20,000 Poles who were military officers or high in society.

The Russians worked with the Nazis until Hitler turned on them and then they formed an alliance with the US and Great Britain. In Britain there were many Poles in exile. They got the chance to ask Stalin where all those poeple were. Stalin said they must have escaped.

Since the fall of the wall info has been released about Russian activities .Now Russians come forward and tell how they rounded up all unwanted people for execution.

So many people doing the wrong thing just like politicans and their expense accounts. Is karma over worked ? or does it need a kick up the arse like the U.N. does?