Thursday, October 5, 2006

Why Bodyguards Should Wear Nappies.

It may not surprise you to know but Old Knudsen was once in the Secret Service, well a side branch of it, known as the Auxiliary Secret Service (A.S.S.) I must admit that the 60's in particular were not good for Old Knudsen, I'd like to offer my condolences yet again to the Kennedy family, hey, Teddy (or Gobshite as I call him) is still alive and free of any murder charges right at this moment, one out of three isn't bad.

After the Mountbatten incident of 1979 I thought it was time to move on to another line of work, my point is that I protected dirty dick crooked Fenian politicians descended from Mucksavages (Irish) as well as the inbred English Aristocracy, and before them was a Russian exile in Mexico and a Peace Monger in India, fuck that Gandhi was a mean drunk, but he could sure get the ladies, for some reason skinny dying fuckers always get their hole, you may be thinking that your head is itchy or that I was a terrible bodyguard, in my defense the assassins never struck when I was ready, they always went for the mark when I was having a shite, hardly fair, do you know how hard it is to get a reference from a dead employer?

The Metropolitan Police have excused a Muslim cop from guarding the Israeli Embassy in London, PC Basha ( no I'm a Politically Correct basher not a PC Basha) objected to the bombing of Lebanon by Israel as it was killing fellow Muslims.
Next you'll have Protestant Police not wanting to police Catholic churches, its stupid.

Old Knudsen gets pissed off when he hears about U.S. soldiers fleeing to hide in Canada because they object to the occupation of Iraq, its your job, and no one asked you, will you only fight in feel good wars?

This has been called the end of British Policing, you can't pick and choose who you are going to treat fairly.
Keep religion out of the workplace well unless you're the Pope or something, I demand more tolerance to our fellow man, be like Old Knudsen, I hate everyone, but I tolerate the fuckers.