Friday, January 5, 2007

Cause This Is Filler, Filler Night.

A nice cup of Rosie Lee until I post again, no ya fuckers I don't have Ginger nuts, I shave em.

Cool yer jets people, I had a rough day of it, can't talk about it until I've been debriefed, deflowered and deloused. Bloody governments and their secrets, can't wait to give all you bastards some cutting remarks in the comments as you all need to be taken doon a peg or two. My next post will be about how I lost my virginity, so many of yous may want to avoid this blog for a while as its me having sex, look at my avatar (if you can find it, me sidebar slipped again) and ask yerself if you're ready to think about me having sex, Robyn don't read it.