Wednesday, May 7, 2008

All Good Things Cum From My End

My friends and readers changes are a foot or 12 inches if you will. Be not ascared for I Old Knudsen is a force of nature and know of the nature of change.

All good things cum to an end and so is a chapter of my long life. I won't go into details right now but don't worry. You can expect the world as you know it to cum crashing doon and the monsters in yer wardrobe to cum out of the closet and say, " I'm fabulous" and the end times the Bible has promised to be insight or just around the corner.

Stay in contact or go off to those new blogs that promise 'more funny added' and 'extra laughs and insight added' I don't care all I know is that when I cum back from the loose ends I have to take care of nay secure things will be different, bigger, less substance and bad for yer health.

Death is a part of life, to build a garden you must kill weeds, slugs and snails, out with the old and in with the older cause it just made a cum back and the young uns don't remember how sad it was the first time round and think they are cool just like we did . Hindsight is 20/20.

I hope this post puts yer mind at rest. I shall see you all in 3 minutes. Being a Time Lord it all gets a bit confusing but it will be only 3 minutes for me. The change may be too much for some so if yer on meds take em, I know I will not that they help.

As the wise man once said ca ca ca ca changes, yes he had a stutter.

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