Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Well she is hot.

I recently covered the story of how a bloke in America cut the end of his finger off and was able to grow it back with the power scraped from pig's bladders on my news blog .
You might as well go and read the blog as its informative and yet fun with a hint of paprika.
Anyway real life mirrors art and I have *cut the end off my finger*, being a guy I can't remember how it happened, one minute I was swearing about Boris fucking Johnson at my door trying to score some drugs off me the next I notice blood all over the door handle then my finger, I shrugged and said "I don't know how I did it" now I have to type with my left hand Yank fuck you finger and making so many mistakes, yes more than usual its annoying as a liberal explaining why the death penalty is wrong because its not wrong you stupid cunts.

*Ok maybe I got a boo boo under my finger nail but still its sore, feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel my pain you plebs, it reminds me of the torture the Nazis nearly put me through before I told them everything and I mean everything.*