Thursday, May 29, 2008

Je T'Aime... Moi Non Plus

Not able to post at the minute, can't talk I'm cumming doon. I'm having those weird dreams again you know the ones that have MJ and Anonymous Boxer fighting each other in a really hot and violent way to get my prized cap as worn by Jesus at the last supper.

They are in a boxing ring slugging it out while I stand at the edge of the ring rubbing my thighs and getting sprayed by sweat and blood shouting "C'mon on Trixie" and then I hear a voice from out of nowhere saying how I've bought into the whole propaganda machine and I'm so ill-informed. That's when I wake up in a mess of man custard .

I think the dream is my way of addressing the fact that I'm worried about my small er I mean huge penis and I want to fuck my Ma and kill my Da, also I've been getting random anonymous readers on old posts calling me on the shit I may or may not make up in my posts. I can just imagine the look of indignation as they read me and then the sense of satisfaction they have in telling me off and pointing out how ill-informed I am.
Ok I may on occasion enjoy the odd idiot baiting, when you argue with idiots you become one, I became one long ago I just can't help myself.

So like I said can't really post right now, to be honest I did two posts and didn't like them so I saved them, no dirty pictures they were crap.