Monday, May 26, 2008

A Salute To The Fallen

Not being a conformist sheep type Old Knudsen doesn't play by the rules or at least he just does what he wants.
Today in the good old US of Americy its memorial day, a day to reflect on those who serve their cuntry with bravery and honour and those who have paid with their lives while doing so.
I have combined a post with the Mute Monday theme of courage because too many people are mute when it comes to courage.

For most of my life I have struggled with the concept of courage, when to stand up and say "NO THIS MUST STOP!" even though its not a popular thing to say and everyone else bows their heads keep quiet and just go along with the crowd.

To say the taboo word 'nigger' to make a point about racism knowing that a lot of people won't get past the word to see the point and will condemn me as a racist because I uttered it. Or to call Abraham Lincoln a war monger who cared nothing for liberty of Americans and the rights of slaves when he is turned into some kind of deity by romantic ill-informed historians. Adding JFK and Martin Luther King jr as others whose shit doesn't shink anymore.

My biggest fear is having my courage fail, having the fear infect me so much that my fight or flight reaction chooses flight, lucky I don't do running.

I have not done cowardly things so much but things an average person would do such as look the other way and not get involved, not in major things but in little everyday ways that chip away and I don't feel proud about. I hold myself to higher standards than most people do.

I have also done extremely brave things when afraid to do them but I face them anyway for that is true bravery.

I have done many brave things automatically and then have thought "What was I thinking?" which led me to the conclusion that courage and stupidity are kissing cousins.

There are many people with far more courage than I and I hope I will never be tested in that way.
Dealing with terminal illness, knowing you won't be there when yer kids are growing up, having yer kids taken by a stranger and never to be seen again, I don't know how some people can carry on with good grace and true courage like that.

Americans are spiritually absent for the most, on Memorial day and any other holiday they hold sales.
Have you ever seen a Remembrance Sunday sale in the UK ? No because that would be tacky.
The courage and sacrifice has been replaced with 20% off. The TV and radio bombard you with sales, sales and more sales I find this most disgusting. You can be capitalist and not be a cunt I'm sure.

Celebrate the deaths of millions by buying something nice for yer yard, you know that's what they would want.


Knowing you could pay the ultimate price but doing it anyway.
The Royal Ulster Constabulary, unappreciated courage. A tough and dangerous job that was easier to slag off than do but if there was trouble they would be the ones you'd call.
Out living yer children and being strong enough to carry on after the loss of a loved one who meant the world to you.

Just hanging in there and wondering why it wasn't you.

The disgrace of failed courage and wishing you had done it differently.

Not giving into the Nazis or the Ragheads. The bastards can bomb us but we'll never falter, "Tis but a flesh wound."

Overated courage, John Smeaton helped 'others' subdue a chinky terrorist but he was made a hoosehold name because he had character.

Still having pride because you did yer job and did what you believed in.

False courage, she was captured in Iraq after getting lost and never having fired a shot and was rescued by special forces. She gets turned into a hero.

Speaking out against governments such as China (above) Burma, Zimbabwe, Pakistan and Iran etc.

Serving with the Americans and their 'Friendly fire' with friends like that.............

It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known. She knew what was waiting for her.

Drawing a cartoon that criticizes fanatics who 'will' try to kill you.

Running into burning buildings when most people would run out.

The rescue services.