Saturday, July 19, 2008

Chicks Dig The Car

Wow the new Batman film, I didn't go and see it. I did just read about it on two other blogs so that will do me. Ok so Heath Ledger died and the ghouls want to see the movie I went through all this with The Crow and that TV series with the male model who was really a spy, I can't be arsed remembering the title so impress me and tell me .

Ledger seemed like a nice bloke and was a decent actor but I can live without Batman, sorry mate you'll be remembered as the ghey cowboy who fucked with Batman. I'll remember you as the Aussie that shagged some very hot weemen in real life , well done lad.

Well at least the Joker isn't dancing to Prince tunes and how could he have killed Batman's parents? sounds half-arsed to me, lets just change everything why don't we.

Batman is a useless fucker, like James Bond with a bat fetish. No powers to speak of the only difference is that he is rich and has gadgets . I wonder what Donald Trump, Bill Gates or Richard Branson would look like in super hero costumes in fact Batman isn't even a 'super' hero.

I dislike the franchises that dish out and rehash the hero, oh whats the blonde Bond going to be like? away and fuck its like a soap opera in which a main character goes off to pursue a music career and so they replace them with someone else its just an excuse for nerds to argue about the best one .

Christain Bale may be a fine peice of man meat but its all shot in the dark so CGI can be added big time so who cares what he looks like it isn't even him.

In the old days you could tell when a stunt man is on screen now you can just assume its a computer graphic .

Hellboy 2 seems interesting to me but I'll wait for DVD as spending a fortune to sit with germy strangers who won't shut up isn't appealing to me and I'll see Batman like the other one when it comes on the telly.

As for dark knight its spelled 'night' for fucks sake get it right you idiots.

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