Friday, July 18, 2008

The Art Of War

People ask me all the time, "Old Knudsen just what do you do for a living?" so I tell them and then I kill them. Classified information you see.

Just this week I was in the mountains of Pakistan, I was hired by 'The Company' to hunt doon a top IRA terrorist who was linking up with Osama to kill innocent people in the name of their agenda ridden religion.

Yes I did hear what that pope cunt said about fossil fuels, to quote "If you burn fossil fuels you will burn in Hell with those who have had abortions and divorces."

I don't trust any Nazi who refuses to wear a condom and supports pedos.

So anyway I was dropped off by helicopter and had to yomp 20 miles to my ambush point, there was a change to the enemies' plans so I had to go 2 extra days without rations living off my own spunk and snotters.

I saw them driving up, two raghead guards and Sean O'Malley a top IRA commander.

For this job I went slightly old school and used a Barrett light 50 M82A1, I tore those fuckers apart and stopped their Jeep dead so to speak.

For those with weak stomachs do not look at the next picture, war is hell but me rent was due.

I'm not proud of what I do, ah fuck that of course I'm proud otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it.

I'm changing over my Interweb access to something else so excuse the fuck out of me if I don't fucking blog, also I have a back log of terrorists to kill. The Israelis want me to bust a cap (sniper talk) into the Hezbollah cunts they swapped for the two dead bodies, my pleasure I said.

I can strip and assemble a L1A1 SLR (no not a camera) with my eyes closed but all this computery stuff is beyond me, still you won't be finding YouTubes here, I'll leave that to the lesser bloggers, now I'm off to watch a couple of Youtubes.