Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Would You Step In?

I have in my time broken up many a fight, I've stood in between the pugilists as they puff out their chests, threatened the other and wait for their mates to hold them back, fights for show can be very amusing.
Here in Callyfornia I have heard about people who break up fights getting shot or stabbed to death and it got me thinking.

My older brother Lars did get stabbed in the arm when trying to break up a fight, it was aboard a boat and the knife was one of them wee kitchen devil ones.
The knife got threw over board and Lars was left with a lack of movement in two of his fingers, he broke his other arm years later and it wouldn't heal right so his fingers are fucked on that hand too, there is a reason the family call him 'Unfortunate Lars' .

A mate of mine named Billy, no not Billy one ear, you have to understand that 90% of the men in my Protestant culture are called Billy after King Billy or William of Orange if you will.
Billy used to tell his two sons never to get involved in fights or trouble, not even to break them up.

I don't know if I have it in me to do nothing but as I get older I do care less for the silliness that we males do.

Back in the day you'd yell "Fight!" so everyone would come and watch but if it was one sided or it was my job to protect staff or customers I'd break them up.

I did watch in fascination once when an off duty Para (tough soldier) gouged the eyes of a man he was fighting, the control and technique was cool as fuck.

Billy's son got beat up and robbed at a cash machine once , his gurlfriend certainly got involved as she broke a couple of her toes kicking the attackers, I'm sure his son would of appreciated someone else stepping in to help.